Award winning documentary about toxic cabin air now available as a special edition DVD


This is to announce that our award winning documentary production “UNFILTERED BREATHED IN – The Truth about Aerotoxic Syndrome” by Tim van Beveren is now available to the public as a special edition DVD in an English, German and French narrated version.

This was made possible with the support of the German trade unions VER.DI and Vereinigung Cockpit e.V. as well as the French organization Association des Victimes des Syndrome Aerotoxique (AVSA). 

The newly updated directors cut edition has a running time of 126 minutes and has been amended for the latest medical and scientific findings in regards to intoxications of crew members that became evident by the assessments of poisoned crew members at the medical ambulance of the Institute of Occupational, Social and Environmental Medicine at the Georg-August-University of Göttingen, Germany in January 2016.

The French language version is narrated by Patrice Luc Doumeyrou and is titled “Le Syndrome Aérotoxique – Passagers en Pèril?”

The film can be purchased directly via our webstore at or via and





Dr. Susanne Junker


suju-films & tvbmedia productions


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